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Wholesome Tables

What's Good for the Earth is Good for our Bodies

Food & Self Love

Food & Self Love

As a Registered Dietitian, I’ve supported over a thousand people in changing their lifestyle over the past decade.

So you can imagine that I know a thing or two about how to make changes when it comes to weight loss… and it’s not what you think.

Current diet culture encourages us to hate ourselves. Have you ever heard of your “critical voice”? This is the chatter in your head that tells you that you aren't worthy— that the lifestyle changes you are making aren't enough and that you are failing. When we are constantly hating on ourselves, and feeling like a failure, we inevitably give up…until next time.  The $60 billion diet industry knows this cycle and perpetuates self-hate to keep us hooked.

So my suggestion? LOVE yourself to weight loss. Acknowledge all of your achievements— no matter how small. Every glass of water, every extra step, every act of self care. Write them down and relish them, and be proud of those little changes, every day. And what do you do when your critical voice starts chattering? Because it will…  Catch it and choose to change the channel. Say a positive affirmation, get busy with a distracting activity or even tell your critical voice to @#$% off. Choose not to buy into the culture and commercials that want you to hate yourself. Try loving yourself into health and see how much farther you can really go!

Bariatric Creamed Spinach

Bariatric Creamed Spinach

The Benefits of Skin to Skin Contact - Whether You're Breastfeeding or Not

The Benefits of Skin to Skin Contact - Whether You're Breastfeeding or Not